Chasing After A Busy Toddler + The Jiobit Tracking Device Review
My toddler is so fast it scares me. Seriously, if I wasn’t holding onto him and I looked away for one moment, boom he’s gone. He’s incredibly quick and curious, which is a recipe for an accident, and frankly that makes me super nervous. I pride myself of “watching him like a hawk”, but nobody is perfect and accidents happen. I’m not naive to think that I’m exempt from losing my kid at the zoo on a busy day. This sort of stuff can happen to even the best mamas.
I recently was introduced to the Jiobit tracking device and because of my fear of Giulian wandering off, I’m extremely excited about this device! It’s a small (the size of an Oreo) tracking device that you can attach to your little one. You can tie it to their shoe lace or attach it to their belt loop, it’s lightweight so it won’t bother your child and it’s super durable, which is nice because kids can be so rough. Also the battery life is long and you can track it at any distance. The device syncs with an app that I downloaded to my phone and I can easily track Giulian when needed. All features you’d want in a product like this. The device is $100 and then tracking service is $13/month. Jiobit just won Babylist’s Best in Baby Tech at CES for 2019, which says a lot about how amazing it is!
I recently was introduced to the Jiobit tracking device and because of my fear of Giulian wandering off, I’m extremely excited about this device! It’s a small (the size of an Oreo) tracking device that you can attach to your little one. You can tie it to their shoe lace or attach it to their belt loop, it’s lightweight so it won’t bother your child and it’s super durable, which is nice because kids can be so rough. Also the battery life is long and you can track it at any distance. The device syncs with an app that I downloaded to my phone and I can easily track Giulian when needed. All features you’d want in a product like this. The device is $100 and then tracking service is $13/month. Jiobit just won Babylist’s Best in Baby Tech at CES for 2019, which says a lot about how amazing it is!
It’s one of those products where you’d love to not have to use it, but the reality is - if you were in a situation where it was needed, you’d wish you had it. It’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
For me personally it’s not a product I’ll be using every single day, but there are situations where I’m so excited to have this product. I’m most excited to use it while we travel, while he’s in the daycare at the gym (I have this fear of someone taking him from the gym daycare and this eliminates the fear of that) and even around town when we go to festivals or go downtown. I’ll put it on Giulian when we take him to the zoo, aquarium or children’s museum. Especially on days where all of the schools have taken a field trip and it’s jam packed with kids running around. I try not to go on those days, but if it happens to be the one sunny day that week then we will probably be there too. I also love that when we leave Giulian with my mom she could use the Jiobit as well.
Like I said before, he is so speedy and unless you’re holding his hand at all times, he loves to run off. I love Giulian’s energetic personality, I love that he wants to run, to be free and adventure around, and I love that he has a curious spirit. But like I said before, there are fears as a mother that come with a child of that nature. I feel like I’ve gotta keep an extra eye on him. And at times, the Jiobit will be my extra eye.
To learn more about Jiobit check out their website. Also, feel free to comment below with any questions and I will try to answer anything I can and I can also reach out to the company for answers. Thanks for reading, I hope you found this helpful and I hope this helps bring a bit more peace as you navigate motherhood.
This post is sponsored by Jiobit. All opinions are my own.