32 Week Bumpdate

Eight weeks until babies due date! I cannot believe it, I truly feel like this pregnancy has flown by. The next eight weeks are filled with so many exciting things. Our baby shower is in less than two weeks, we start taking our baby classes, and we move! With all of these exciting things taking place it's hard not to think that the next few weeks will just fly by. I feel so grateful, this pregnancy has been amazing, stress free and healthy for baby and myself. 

Lets start with baby G... he is doing AMAZING! We had a doctor appointment today and per usual he is doing good, and both myself and baby are right on track with growth. We had our final ultrasound today. We had one more than usual because they needed to check his kidneys again, they said they looked good and they are no longer concerned about what they wanted to check. We were super excited to get an extra ultrasound, especially one where we are so far along. The photos we got today were a tad less impressive than our last ultrasound, the tech lady said that's because he is quickly running out of space in there so it becomes harder to get good photos of him as the weeks go by. We did however get an amazing photo of babies lips today, and let me just say wow that baby won't need injections ever lol. They looked so full and heart shaped, which makes sense because both Nick and I have decent sized lips. But who knows, maybe he will come out looking totally different than we are predicting based on the ultrasound photos. Those things can be deceiving anyways. Since it was our final ultrasound we had quite the crew with us. My mom, Nick's mom, my sister, one of my nephews and my niece all came for the show. We were all crammed in that tiny room and of course all of the women were crying over how precious baby G is. Once the ultrasound tech said the babies lips looked like his dads, I lost it and started balling like a baby. I'm such a sucker when it comes to our baby being a mini Nick. Seriously if he looks like a little Nick I'll just be the happiest mommy on earth! Based on the ultrasound, he is weighing in at 4lbs 7ounces. In the 68th percentile! That is one big baby boy. Haha which makes me a tad nervous for birth... I want a very healthy (plump) baby, but delivering a ten-pounder sounds quite intimidating. His heart rate was a tiny bit slower than it had been the rest of the pregnancy, it usually was 152 but today it was 145, which are both perfect and right where it needs to be. 

Babies don't come from storks, they come from swans!

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We start our "get ready for baby" classes this week. We signed up for a birthing class, CPR and safety, and Nick will take Daddy Bootcamp. This week we start with the birthing classes, it's about nine total hours split between two days for this course. I am a tad nervous going into the class, it's all becoming more real that in just a few weeks I will be in labor and giving birth. I'm sure it's normal for a mother to be nervous about birth, especially since it's our first baby, but I'm really hoping to come out of the birthing class feeling more confident and less nervous about it all. A friend of ours kept raving about the Daddy Bootcamp class, so we just had to get Nick registered for it. He's pretty nervous about the baby, and tiny infants make him super nervous, so this class will probably give him some more confidence and put him at ease. I guess the class is taught by dads, which is perfect and I think Nick will really enjoy that. 

Our baby shower is next weekend and I couldn't be more excited! My mom, sister, Nick's mom and some of our closest family friends are throwing the baby shower and I feel so grateful for that. My mom has already been baking, making the most adorable treats for the guests at the shower. The shower theme is travel of course! That's also his nursery theme ;) which I just adore! I'll be doing a full in depth blog post on both the baby shower and his nursery, so stay tuned for those. Both will incorporate one of my all time favorite books, Oh The Places You'll Go by Dr. Suess. Okay that is all of the details I'm giving you, now you have to wait for the full posts on those. 

Speaking of the baby room though, I cannot wait to get all settled and start nesting like crazy. Even though I've had a strong desire to start nesting and setting his room up, it's been a tad delayed, but for a great reason. We are moving! I am so excited and grateful for this. God has a plan and sometimes if you are patient and have faith, the plan works out perfectly. We will be moving to a house in the highlands are of Denver. We are beyond excited to have the chance to live in such a neat neighborhood for a while. Nick and I have only lived in the suburbs, so living in the city will be quite a change. When we finally decide to buy a house it will probably be in the suburbs too, so getting the chance to take a little season of our life and experience city living will be a great opportunity for us. I can't wait to be able to put the baby in the stroller, stroll down the streets of our neighborhood to my favorite coffee shops, restaurants, and boutiques. The neighborhood we're moving too offers so much to do, it has amazing parks nearby, and great walking paths. In the next week or so we will get to move in and settle. I'm so excited to get his room set up, I feel like I'll sit in there all the time until he comes. 

Okay, lets talk about pregnancy symptoms and such. Like I said before I'm super grateful to have had such an awesome pregnancy with no complications and a healthy baby. But even with the healthiest of pregnancies, it's just tough on your body sometimes and can be a bit exhausting. Third trimester has been going great so far. I'd say the number one difference I notice in the third trimester is emotions. Holy cry baby! I am so dang sensitive these days, like on a whole new level. Sometimes it takes everything out of me to be a strong person. For example, I just got back from a 12 day vacation, traveling to Ocean City Maryland and then off to Miami after that. When Nick dropped me off at the airport I was a mess. I was crying a ton and if I even thought about the fact that I wouldn't be with my husband for almost two weeks then water works would start. It's crazy how attached to him I feel during pregnancy, especially the third trimester. I just want to be with Nick all the time and I'm a big 'ol baby if I am missing him at all. The sweetest thing was he said he felt more emotional than usual while I was gone and he missed me more than normal. This baby is making both mom and dad even more connected which apparently results in two emotional people that can't be separated. Don't get me wrong, it's sweet, but gosh I can't wait until my hormones are normal again. 

More symptoms include heartburn and lack of sleep. For the heartburn, Tums are my best friend! I carry them with me everywhere because you never know when the heartburn will strike. The lack of sleep thing keeps getting worse and worse... I'm thinking it's just prepping me for a newborn baby. I'm mainly losing sleep because of leg pain. What the heck?! I've heard of pregnant women having horrible back pain, which makes more sense. But nope not me, I'm losing my sleep due to leg pain. Pregnant women are advised not to sleep on their backs or belly (obviously). So we get to sleep on our left or our right side, even though they say the left side is best. I thought that'd be totally fine, but apparently my legs do not feel the same way. The outsides of my legs throb during the night. The first few hours of sleep they are fine, but after more then three hours, they start to get so tight, sore and like I said they throb. It wakes me up a ton in the middle of the night and usually around 6am I am out of bed and up for the day because I just can't take it anymore. It's times like these when a huge comfy chair to sleep in is a must. I'm so grateful that my schedule is flexible and I can take naps during the day if needed, but wow I will appreciate a full night sleep when that day comes into my life again. By the way, I still get up to pee a ton during the night too haha. 

Even with all of those not so pleasant things that come with pregnancy, I must say I am enjoying my pregnancy. There is nothing better than feeling baby G move. And oh my goodness, our baby has parties in there!! He moves a ton, it's so amazing. Now his movements are starting to feel less like little kicks and more like huge movements, as though he's doing the wave in my belly. His movements now are taking my breath away sometimes. I can't imagine what it'll feel like at week forty when he's double the size. I'm so in love with our little guy. I already feel super connected to him. Sometimes I'll poke my belly and he will poke back, it's the best.

One last thing I want to add to the longest "bumpdate" ever... We picked a name!!! Of course I'm going to do a separate blog post on it and typical to the blogger in me, I have a super cute way we are going to announce the name. So stay tuned for that as well, but we are crazy excited and relieved to finally have his name picked out. I can't wait to share it with you all :). 

Thanks so much for reading and following along with my pregnancy journey. Make sure to subscribe below with your email to stay in the loop and get notified with current blog posts and exciting updates. Thank you!